CPAP Alternatives: How To Treat Sleep Apnea Without CPAP

CPAPs do not suit everyone. OSA patients should consider CPAP. The airflow system can take some time to become comfortable. Do not give up.

But you don’t like either the mask or the airflow. Is there a CPAP-free solution for sleep apnea? Yes! These are the top five CPAPs.

Oral Appliances

CPAP is the preferred alternative to CPAP. There are two types of OAT:

Mandibular Advancement Device

MADs can be used to move your lower teeth in a forward direction. Although they look similar to retainers, MADs don’t offer the same functionality as ortho jaw pieces.

Tongue Retaining Devices

Yes, tongue-holding device. TRDs (also known as tongue stabilizing devices (TSD) are nighttime devices that hold your tongue in place. They protect your tongue and upper airway. If your tongue is causing problems while you sleep, this is an option.

Positional Sleep Apnea Treatment

A good sleep position can help prevent apnea in mild-to-moderate OSA patients. If you sleep on your stomach, it is easier to stop breathing.

Your doctor/sleep specialist might recommend positioning therapy if you feel that your OSA is getting worse over the course of a night.

To reduce the risk of sleep apnea, you can use positional therapy.

This is the simplest type of positional therapy.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is an alternative and non-invasive treatment for sleep apnea. According to a University of Michigan study, a 10% weight loss can lead to a 30% increase in AHI (an indicator of sleep apnea).

Obesity can cause OSA to get worse by straining the neck/chest/airways. This strain can be easily relieved by weight loss.

CPAP should be continued even if you lose weight. It may be difficult to exercise and eat healthy if you don’t have CPAP.


Anatomy may be a cause of sleep apnea. It is not caused by obesity. OSA can be caused by narrow airways and a deviated head. You may also experience a crowded jaw and tonsil swelling.

Your doctor may recommend surgery if you have any of these conditions.

These are the most common procedures.

  • SDB can be caused by a deviated septum or a collapsed nose. These anomalies can be easily corrected so you can still breathe while sleeping.
  • Electrostimulation Hypoglossal Nucleus (Electrostimulation Hypoglossal Nucleus) – This is when the airway muscles lose their tone during sleep and can be tightened to allow air to flow.
  • Sleep apnea can be caused by tonsils or tonsils growing too large. You may need to have your tonsils and adenoids removed if this happens often.
  • To make room, the treatment involves removing the excess tissue from the throat or soft palate. This treatment can reduce snoring.
  • To increase airway space, the lower and upper jaws can be extended.

How To Make CPAPS Feel More Comfortable?

Although you may be looking at CPAP alternatives to your CPAP, you should still use your CPAP to treat your sleep apnea. This could cause serious health issues such as high blood pressure and heart attack.

These strategies will increase your comfort while you wait.

  • You can try a different type of CPAP with nomask
  • Combine your CPAP with a humidifier
  • To reduce irritation, use a CPAP Gel or Mask Liner.
  • CPAP pillows allow you to sleep on one side, and without any tangled tubing.
  • Your lifestyle changes can improve the effectiveness of your sleeping medication.